
What the Tweet

what the tweet

Guess the missing word for the celebrity Tweet. Simple game, right? Not so simple to develop though!


  • Twitter API integration
  • Custom OS X Editor
  • Realtime + prerendered animations
  • Unique UI / UX elements

For this particular project I worked with my friend Almas Daumov. Instead of using a web-based, ExpressionEngine admin portal like I've typically done in the past, I decided to create a custom What the Tweet Editor for Mac OS X (see image below). The editor makes heavy use of the Twitter API for obvious reasons. I created a NodeJS / SQL backend for keeping track of global user scores / solved count / skip count, etc. AfterEffects was used for animations that I wouldn't otherwise be able to do in real-time such as the coin "flash" and Tweet Pack completion confetti. What the Tweet really shows off a number of custom controls (3D buttons, touch feedback, etc) ideas that we've had for quite some time and finally decided to implement. Overall, this project took several months for us to complete and I'm very proud of how it turned out.

iOS Download


Programmer, Graphic Design, Illustration


Objective-C, JavaScript, SQLite


Xcode, Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop, AfterEffects, NodeJS



release date/

August 2016